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We design products that go beyond their utility, crafting something with passion

What Type of Glass is Best for Shower Doors

Shower doors are a powerful design element that can add an elegant touch and create a unique atmosphere in your bathroom. With sophisticated shower doors you can turn your bathroom space into a beautiful oasis ideal for rest and relaxation. Choosing the right shower door can be a difficult process especially if you are not quite sure what you are looking for. Today, there is a huge variety of shower...
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Acrylic vs Solid Surface Shower Bases

Shower bases are an integral part of every bathroom remodel. If you are going to replace your shower enclosure or just want to update it, a shower base is definitely one of the most important things you will have to think of. A beautiful and functional shower base will become a great addition to your bathroom. The right base will improve your shower experience creating the most comfortable and relaxing...
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Signs You Need To Replace a Range Hood

A range hood is responsible for providing the proper ventilation in the kitchen. With a range hood, it’s possible to create a clean and healthy environment in the kitchen. That’s why a range hood is the necessity for every kitchen these days. Sometimes, a need to replace a range hood arises. Range hoods wear over time. If your range hood is out of date, doesn’t function properly or doesn’t perform...
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Pedestal Bathtubs for a Luxurious Bathroom

In today’s world, bathtubs have become an integral part of life. It’s hard to imagine a modern bathroom space without a beautiful and functional tub. When you are planning a bathroom remodel, a tub is probably the first thing you will have to consider. An elegant and sophisticated tub can become a focal point of your bathroom completely changing the way it looks and feels. The ideal tub will add...
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Frameless, Semi-Frameless or Framed Shower Doors

A bathroom renovation is a major project in which every detail matters including the type of shower doors you prefer. Today, shower doors come in a wide range of styles. However, choosing the right doors for your shower enclosure is not as easy as it may seem. The doors you install have a huge impact on the way your bathroom looks and feels. They can completely change the atmosphere within...
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Best Shower Base Ideas for Your Bathroom

Are you planning a bathroom renovation project or just want to update an existing shower enclosure with a new shower base? In this case, you will have to make the right choice in order to get the shower base that fits your bathroom most. A shower base you get should be not just aesthetically pleasing, but functional as well. An elegant, sophisticated and comfortable shower base will add a nice...
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